I agree that an acid developer is almost a must. All my kallitype =
developers are in a pH range of 3 to 5.
All my tests indicate that all image forming salts can be put in the =
A developer without image forming salts is much easier to prepare and =
Addition of organic acids to the emulsion is not entirelly necessary but =
it may provide interesting results. (Addition of gallic acid to the =
kallitype emulsion, results in a complete solarization around zone V and =
in a positive/negative image).
Leave the gum arabic out. It is not necessary with modern papers. What =
you may try is what I call proportional sensitizing, i.e. a tranparent =
nop51076@mail.telepac.pt (no pigment) gum dicromate print under the satista or kallitype image. =
It will size the paper proportinally to density of the future ferric =
print, allowing for better tone separation in the shadows, and increased =
shadow density.
More comments after reading the rest of the information.
Carlos Gasparinho