Re: We are not the alternative
marc bruhat ()
Wed, 15 January 1997 3:00 AM
Up to now the french way of describing 19 th century processes has been
"old processes" (anciens procedes).
It is only recently that one uses the word "alternatif" to describe such
processes. Partly because of the tremendous interest in English speaking
countries, partly because of the list......!
The word has no importance whatsoever when a print is being retailed.
The buyer will be made aware of the printing process being used for the
print without tying it to a specific idea or context.
The name is essentially used by its practitioners.
Also the "alternatif" word is rarely used in France apart from being
associated to ecological movements with its strong political
But, by using it in its purely etymological sense one succeeds in giving it
a kind of respectable appearance.
The probleme is : who's using it and what do we make of it ?
Marc Bruhat