Re: Name Suggestion

Terry King (
Wed, 15 January 1997 4:10 PM

Message text written by Mike Robinson
Please, I just use this example to make a point, I'm not intersested in
starting a new thread about Post-Modernism.

Neither am I.

I am here because I wish to make beautiful photographs and 'alternative'
processes help me to do so.

To a great extent we are preserving elements of processes that are not
present in the more industrially efficient methods that rendered them
obsolete. Examples are the tactility and potential range of the platinum
print and the control that gum printing gives us.

We are interested in preservation and revival. Even the ' new' alternative
processes are variations on this theme. Resurrectionists, revivalists,
renaisance, renewal all suggest a second time round.

I am interested in the art and the craft of photography but I not want to
revive the arts and crafts movement.

But what we do produce is distinctive photography.

Terry King
