Re: We are not the alternative

Terry King (
Sat, 18 January 1997 3:32 AM

Message text written by Judy Seigel
Since many of our distinguished colleagues are *tenured professors* at
institutions of higher education and/or famous authors or celebrity
artists, and since the favorite medium on this list to date is apparently
PLATINUM, it might be a bit of effrontery to call these modes "system D."
But that does bring to mind "System X."

One was tempted to wonder whether the word 'precious' remained unstated in
Judy's comment. But I know well enough not to impute anything to Judy
without checking first..

One also has a suspicion that a very small tail is attempting to wag a very
large dog.

It is a pleasant thread but Peter is probably right; stick to the broad
terms for the processes to speak to the world, use finer distinctions among
ourselves, and accept that 'alternative' carries no more unnecessary
baggage than any other word.

Terry King
