Re: Names, names...

Flesch Ba'lint ()
Sat, 18 January 1997 10:30 AM

At Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Cor Breukel <>

> In dutch "alt. photography" is sometimes called "Edele procedes", which
> translates into "Noble Procedures" (also in dutch Noble has more than one
> meaning..)..

This name is existing in Hungarian language also: Nemeselja'ra's (and ie.
the German version is: Edelverfahren).

But I think there are some troubles about this language improving
movement... If I understand well the alt. photo. is can be a common
name of the all type of processes which are a bit different from the
recent standards/fashions (include ie. the personal special processes
of each author etc.).

The Noble/Edele is a name of the group of processes which were fashionable
in the Secession age of photography. The Nonsilver is the name of an other,
different group, the name of the nonsilver processes :-). Ie. the salt-paper,
ambrotype or daguerreotype is are off topic in the mentioned two categories.
But not in this list.

So IMHO the searched expression (to call the topic of this list) is probably
between the alt-photo type-level and the noble/nosilver type-level: a
littler group of processes than the all alternative of the standards, but
a larger family than the noble/nonsilver, etc.

An experimental definition of the actual theme of this list:
historical processes in the recent practice... Or?


- Balint Flesch - Archaist/conservation photographer. - Budapest/Hungary. -
