Which just goes to show how FLEXIBLE these terms are. A friend of mine
taught Materials & Methods (which they called "M and M") at Cooper Union,
a curriculum of toning gelatine silver & other variations on
factory paper. ( The handcoated-emulsions course was Non-Silver.)
> Sooo, I'd like the medium to be put into categories like "Historical'
> and 'Contemporary Useage and Strategy.'
The problem with that, Jack, is that even as we speak "Contemporary" is
becoming "historical." And it would also constrain people to certified
"contemporary usage and strategy," exactly the opposite of original
spirit in which old processes & pictorialism were revived: move was
AGAINST reigning "usage and strategy"!
Despite the many contradictions in various course titles, "alternative"
has served and may well be the best compromise, but as I recall the launch
of this thread was because "alternative" implies lesser status, ceding
primacy to factory paper (though just wait a while & that may solve
itself). I agree, & wish we could find something stronger, sexier, edgier
jseigel@panix.com (snide comments will be reported). Maybe it will filter into consciousness
gradually. Maybe we'll drift on to more urgent problems...
But has anyone besides me thought of "List Photography"?