>I noticed your posting regarding photography in Paris....
>I know there is a gallery guide put out in Paris which covers much of
Europe. I've sent for a copy and have yet to hear. I saw it advertised in
the Jan/Feb Photography in New York gallery guide. I'm sure you can find it
once there.
>You might contact AIPAD (1609 Connecticut Ave. NW, Wash., DC 20009-
202-986-0105) as there are a few members of this gallery association in
Paris. Gallerie Chomette (24 rue Beaubourg, in the 3rd Ar.) is one of them.
>Otherwise I really can't help you out beyond what's easily found listed in
the tourist guides and books.
>I would love to hear from you about what photography you did find, as I am
planning on being in Paris in April and would love to know!
>Thanks alot, and happy trails!
>Jon Bailey
>PS- We've had good luck with a book called "Cheap Eats in Paris" for help
in sorting through the restaurant scene. Good luck!