VDB "bleeding" problem

Cor Breukel (cor@ruly46.medfac.leidenuniv.nl)
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 10:18:24 +0100 (MET)

Maybe you all remember my Van Dyk Brown bleeding problem, that is after
exposing, and 5 min washing, the print suffered from extensive
bleeding/bleaching in my 2 min thiosulaat fixing, thus loosing density. It
was sugested (by Judy and others) that the sizing of my paper ( Arches
100% cotton, Grain Torchoin, sized) was the problem. After some
testing/switching paper to Canson Fortenay (non-sized) it appeared to be
the solution: no more "bleeding" in the fixing step, thus better density.
Also observed that a "thinner" coat of VDB gives a better result (thicker
gives a bit "rough" effect, sorry don't know how to discribe this

So thanks for the help!

Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"