Re: Polaroid Pos/Neg film/Zone System

Pierre Chiha (
Tue, 04 Feb 1997 19:07:01 -0500

William Patterson wrote:
> There are a few things that you can do to make sure that you get
> consistent results with either the tubes or the Jobo
> 1. Always use the same amount of developer for each run.
> 2. Always give the developer about the same amount of work to do.
> 3. When using the Jobo, make sure that you measure the temperature
> of the developer before you start

> Overall, I've been very happy with both the BTZS tubes and the Jobo
> processor with expert drums.

Bill: thanks for the suggestions above. I am probably not as careful as
you are. I do use the Expert drum for 4x5 processing. I must admit that
most of my problems have been with roll films (B&W).

By the way, could you share your cabibration method (in a private email
if other people are not interested - this being an alt-photo group). Do
you use BTZS' calibration method?

Thanks again
Pierre Chiha