Palladio Users Need Not Apply

James A. Strain (
Fri, 07 Feb 1997 16:34:03 -0500

David: In response to your statements about your students not achieving
image quality on Palladio, can you describe either the teaching method
used or your criteria. I am a big supporter of Palladio, in part,
because when I hand coat I cannot achieve the velvety blacks that I can
with Palladio and, in part, because my success/time rate is
significantly higher with Palladio than it is with hand coating.
Admittedly, I was taught to use Palladio by its developer, Rob
Steinberg. And, at this point, I use Phil Davis' system to produce negs
with a density range that prints well on Palladio. But too many people,
potentially including you, have dismissed this product on the obviously
invalid grounds that it is machine coated rather than hand coated. Jim