Bath Was: Re: ennuyeux...

Terry King (
Sat, 22 Feb 1997 03:32:59 -0500

Message text written by Luis Nadeau
At 2:21 PM 97/02/21, Terry King wrote:

>Terry, I don't have my calendar at hand but you may have picked a date
>conflicts with a lot of other things... Isn't the Bath meeting on the
>Internationale de la Photographie (just on the outskirt of Paris), which
>normally attracts 100,000 visitors!

No that is the weekend before. I was thinking of going to but a friend who
went last year tells me that it is aimed at a different market. But I
think I will go to see for myself.

> The main theme this year is, you
>guessed it, alt-photo processes where some 50 prints will be produced over
>a 24 hour period in a specially modified building (with red windows) by a
>variety of processes...

That does sound interesting but I was aiming more for a symposium for
people of like minds rather than demonstrations. I think there is a place
for both. The level of speakers we have so far has already guaranteed that
we will have a stimulating meeting. As we are limited to 100, and I
already have more than half from around the world, it is important for
those wishing to come to reserve a place quickly.

>I know of several people from France who would have gone to Bath if it
>hadn't been for that.

I think I will go to both ! for, as I say, they are on different weekends.

>Also the same weekend, in New York, we have the meeting of the
>International Association of Photography Historians...

I suppose that whenever it was held it would have had to clash with
something. And we all have to take decisions as to prior engagements and
priorities. It will be a pity if you cannot be there as I am sure you
would not only have enjoyed the debate and the opportunity to see work and
exchange ideas, but also as I know that you would have made a stimulating
contribution yourself.
