Re: Cyanotypes using the sun as a light source

Karen Molloy (
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:17:02 -0400 (EDT)

Jeffrey.D.Mathias @ wrote:

>One of the reasons I miss living in Phoenix Arizona was that I got much
>better printing results using the sun. I did try to keep my printing
>between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm and aimed directly at the sun for the most
>consistent results.
>...I have printed in Andover MA, Phoenix AZ, Philadelphia PA, and Tampa
>FL. I've had the best satisfaction from prints made in Phoenix (sun
>only). Second best location was Andover (sun only), then Philadelphia
>(sun & light box) .

I also prefer the sun as a light source, and have gotten pretty consistent
results from doing so. I can stretch that time span to 4:00 pm, printing in
the summer in Boston MA. My exposure time is usually between 5-10 minutes. (I
work in other mediums in the winter -- no patience for the 1+ hr exposure time
needed in the winter, no interest in light box :)

Karen Molloy