Re: Paper negatives
john lowen (
Mon, 07 Apr 1997 20:54:08 +0000
At the present time I am still experimenting with this-
Scanning the negatives in 135mm at 2700 dpi color mode -
turning into gray scale - fine tuning the image with levels and curves
- then outputting on 600x300 Hewlett Packard Desk Jet 1200C/PS (I
believe the new Epson 800 would be much better) By the way Dan
Burkholder ran a test between the Epson Pro and the Alps (?) - Printed
a word in the eye of one of the photoshop portrait tutorial images and
printed it - the Epson won.
Back to paper negatives - I have used the paper as printed by the HP
at 300 dpi thinking the half tone would not be picked up by bromoil
oil process - surprise - on continous tone areas you can see slight
indications -
So I converted the gray scale to defusion dither which changes the
regular pattern to random dots and makes the file much smaller. They
problem being that sometimes it works and sometimes it does it in
certain areas and not others - Not apparent in the paper negative
until you make the positive print. It has something to do with the
input resolution compared to the output dither. As to the desitometer
- mine at the present time is at the Camera Co-Op for sale.
Will let you know how I come out - Dan Burkholder uses a service
bureau which outputs at 1200 dpi and uses the negs for Platimun Prints
- I sure your familiar with his book. John