X-ray film Was: Re: Typon film

Luis Nadeau (nadeaul@mailserv.nbnet.nb.ca)
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 10:11:39 -0300

At 2:30 AM 97/04/10, Pollmeier Klaus wrote:
>Please remember that the production of the Typon Typorex film also (like Agfa
>GO 210p) is discontinued since the beginning of this year. They told me however
>that they have produced enough to be able to supply the film for another two
>years (as says Agfa...). But working with these two films is so
>comfortable that
>one should consider filling up the freezer with it!

You may want to put X-ray films on the endangered species list too. One
item on the local news this morning is about the new *filmless*
radiographic equipment they are in the process of putting in our hospitals.
Resulting images can be moved around the Internet so specialists from
around the province (or the world for that matter) can look at X-rays
simultaneously and study them.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada