Re: Sigh Annotype sighting

Larry Bullis (
Fri, 09 May 1997 09:58:03 -0700

My web page is finally up, and I have placed a few cyanno-domini upon it.
More will be added. I'm doing what I can...

Since I have to jack up one whole side of this big old building before I
can build a darkroom, and I have to redeem my Nuarc and other related
studio equipment from the storage company warehouse, I really appreciate
this new alt-photo medium "Macintosh". However, I try to call it what it
is. The cyanotypes on my webpage are scans of "real" cyanotypes. Some
of the other stuff is not so clear. But I make no effort to be overly
faithful to particulars because what you see is no cyanotype. It's
phosphor. In general, though, the look of the image is fairly

Check it out.

And do check back now and then. I'm working hard on it, and it will be
growing. At the moment, though, I'm devoting most of my energy to
getting the url listed with search engines and other services.


Larry Bullis
Skagit Valley College