Re: commercial ou alternatif

Marc Bruhat (
Thu, 22 May 1997 12:47:43 +0200

At 02:30 22/05/1997 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, 21 May 1997, Marc Bruhat wrote:
>> le site sullivan est sympa
>> mais c'est un site commercial.
>> pas tellement alternatif
>> marc
>ooh la la! comme tu es courageux!

if nobody reacted,
could I sell anything on the list and why would not [Dupont] and [Hoest] sell?
Does the list become an advertising support?
If Mrs [sullivan] wants to speak, big well he makes but attention to the
rotten tomatoes if he wants to sell his [camelotte]!

have good [entendeur]

si personne ne reagit,
je peux vendre n'importe quoi sur la liste
et pourquoi dupont et hoest ne vendraient pas?
La liste vas t elle devenir un support publicitaire?
Si Mrs sullivan veux parler, grand bien lui fasse
mais attention aux tomates pourries s'il veut vendre sa camelotte!

a bon entendeur
