Toyo parts need

Russell Cothren (
Thu, 22 May 1997 14:51:43 -0500 (CDT)

I have a broken Toyo D45m. This is a 4x5 studio camera,circa
1971-74, color is instrument white. I say all of this because i have been
told most people dont know what this thing is I am describing. It has no
model #'s. I found all of this out through Mamiya of america, your
certified Toyo repair service people. The front standard has been broken
off and mamiya says "we aint seen parts for one of them in years". Can
anyone direct me to a toyo guru or web site for used toyos might have a
graveyard. I apologize for using this alt list for this note, but I am out
of options at this point, short of casting, machining and building one from
scratch. It is a wonderful camera w/ full movments and I am not good about
trashing equipment. Just ask me mate, she will tell you.

Russell Cothren
Photo Editor
University Relations
University of Arkansas