Bath Symposium
Sat, 24 May 1997 13:47:56 -0400 (EDT)

Evening All,

The Alternative Photography International Symposium at
The Royal Photographic Society, Bath, U.K. 6,7,8,June 1997

As one of the many enthusiastic subscribers to this List who,
through lack of finance or time available, will be unable to attend the
Symposium at bath, I would very much like to express my thanks that the
meeting has been arranged, which judging by the names recently posted, I feel
sure, will produce many interesting issues which many of us will find useful
as points of discussion, in the future, on email List postings.
I am sure the Symposium will be a great success and, through
the efforts of the participants, will be remembered as a notewrothy event in
the development of public appreciation and awareness of photographic art.
In particular, I hope references and comments on the actual
viewing of the images shown and their perceived characteristics will be
brought up on our List in the months to come so that we may all increase our
knowledge of the medium.
I trust that my sentiments are shared by the List regarding
the above references to the subject of photographic experience and everyone
wishes that the Symposium will be thoroughly enjoyed and publicised in an
effort to promote a greater appreciation of what we are all trying to do.
Thanks to the staff of The Royal Photographic Society for
all the help given to me in the past and congratulations to all regarding the
tenacity shown in arranging the Symposium.
Sincerely John Grocott- Photographist