Jeffrey D. Mathias (
Tue, 13 May 1997 08:06:20 -0400

Chris Fox wrote:
> 1) My salt prints have dried down very dull and flat. I suspect that even if I
> had adjusted the exposure, they would have the same lifeless look about them.
> Any suggestions about how to make them as good as they look in the wash?


You may also try an acrilic coating or fixative such as manufactured by
Grumbacher (sic?). It comes in gloss and mat. The gloss will require
several coatings on non-smoth paper and may not ever give a gloss on
rough papers. The material is claimed to be archival and removable.

I have used the fixative on Pt/Pd prints on paper that will be displayed
without a cover glass (as in my folding screens). I use the fixative to
help prevent accidental scratching of the Pt/Pd prints. (Pt/Pd prints
on paper are easily scratched, although on fabric they seem to be
scratch-proof.) I have noticed that the fixative coating results in a
little more detail and depth in the shadow areas, not quite what being
under water gives but in that direction.

Give it a try. (Note: Apply the fixative in a well ventalated area and
do not breath the fumes as they are dangerous.)
