Luis Nadeau (
Tue, 13 May 1997 17:40:06 -0300
At 8:06 AM 97/05/13, Jeffrey D. Mathias wrote:
>Chris Fox wrote:
>> 1) My salt prints have dried down very dull and flat. I suspect that
>>even if I
>> had adjusted the exposure, they would have the same lifeless look about them.
>> Any suggestions about how to make them as good as they look in the wash?
>You may also try an acrilic coating or fixative such as manufactured by
>Grumbacher (sic?). It comes in gloss and mat. The gloss will require
>several coatings on non-smoth paper and may not ever give a gloss on
>rough papers. The material is claimed to be archival and removable.
Manufacturers claim this, not conservators. We've had an extensive thread
about this a couple of years ago, complete with scientific references.
Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada