Calibration, Alt Proc and My Apology
Fri, 16 May 1997 17:55:17 -0400 (EDT)

I recently posted a message about calibration. I didn't mean to show off as
an expert although I did intend to show how interesting calibration can be
and that I was glad to have worked on a very special project on calibration.
One day when I have time I will apply it to alt. proc. as well.

However, maybe due to the vocabulary (remember English is not my 1st
language?) and the difficulty of written text to communicate tone, the
message was read by someone to be publicly insulting. Since I wrote that in
public, I want to also apologize publicly and to explain that I did NOT
intend to insult anybody at all.

I think it is great and precious that we who share the same interest can get
together and "know" each other in this special way, and I don't think there
is any reason to fight or insult each other.

Very Sincerely,

David Soemarko