I had an unusual experience one time. I visited Indonesia a few years ago and
had my suits altered there, but since they weren't done by the time I had to
leave, I told my friend to send them to me. After they arrived, the US Custom
charged me custom duty for a new set of suits in US price! I guess if I
wanted to, I could contact my friend and the tailor in Indonesia and somehow
proved that they were alteration, but it would have been very troublesome, so
I just paid the custom duty.
In a message dated 97-05-29 09:29:36 EDT, jseigel@panix.com (Judy Seigel)
<< > by the way the custom duty coming
> into the US from Britain is 3.7%$.
Dear travellers,
I don't know under what circumsances that 3.7% applies. My experience
bringing paper into the US from England was otherwise. >>