Re: New Bromoil Paper
Thu, 29 May 1997 10:47:05 -0400 (EDT)

Judy, I believe you were talking about the English tax which you are not
liable for. That is why a refund is promised, but custom duty is charged by
the US government (it is like (or it is?) the import tax). Whether the US
Custom charges or not depends on the amount you buy per visit to a foreign
country and how frequent you visit and buy from that country. Of course, it
also depends on whether they check your luggage at the airport at all. And if
they do charge, they charge according to what they think the price is in the
US (they have a book), not the purchase price.

I had an unusual experience one time. I visited Indonesia a few years ago and
had my suits altered there, but since they weren't done by the time I had to
leave, I told my friend to send them to me. After they arrived, the US Custom
charged me custom duty for a new set of suits in US price! I guess if I
wanted to, I could contact my friend and the tailor in Indonesia and somehow
proved that they were alteration, but it would have been very troublesome, so
I just paid the custom duty.

In a message dated 97-05-29 09:29:36 EDT, (Judy Seigel)

<< > by the way the custom duty coming
> into the US from Britain is 3.7%$.

Dear travellers,

I don't know under what circumsances that 3.7% applies. My experience
bringing paper into the US from England was otherwise. >>