Re: style (was stylus)

Michael Coslo (
Mon, 02 Jun 1997 00:05:22 -0400

At 06:18 PM 5/31/97 -0700, you wrote:

>refer to a group of men and women. In my small corner of the United
>States, using "he" as the normative would be considered either a
>pretentious adherence to archaic grammar or an overtly anti-feminist
>political statement.

You hit it with mention of your small corner of the US bit. Whenever
we try to fit our local conceptions of the correct way to say or do
something, we run afoul of what the rest of the world is doing and saying.

And the question that goes begging is "is the mention of maleness such
as "he" instead of "we" or some other genderless term anti- feminine?

But that being said, I am personally loathe to put a gender on what I
write. That is my culture.

>In closing, I have to wonder why this list has only one regular female
>contributor. Is photography really such a male domain? Is there some
>mystical connection between the phallus and alt-photo? Or, could it have
>something to do with the way that lone woman is treated every time some
>issue like this comes up? Just something to think about.

The list has had other female contributers, more or less regular than
Judy. Mostly less. But in the grand tradition of offending, you run very
close to the line with suggesting our maleness and the treatment she
receives here are related.

- Mike -