Re: permanence

Peter Marshall (
Fri, 6 Jun 97 20:49 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <>

> Peter Marshall wrote:
> >I had some samples from various types of prints subjected to an accelerated
> >ageing test a year or two ago> <<<snip>>>
> peter, where did you get that done? is it a commercial business that
> people can send samples to for testing?? i would be really interested in
> that.
> thanks
> alexis


Sorry, but I don't think I'm going to be much help.

An artist and papermaker etc I know in London is married to someone who runs a
small company which manufactures the testing equipment for this - and I think
it is sold world-wide.

He ran some tests for me and a few others, but doesn't offer this as a normal

Possibly museums or university departments with an interest in conservation
would have this equipment - I'm sure there are people on this list who would
have more idea than me about it.

Peter Marshall

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