re:Re: Style and Dennis
Mon, 02 Jun 1997 11:44:02 -0700 (PDT)

Can we start up another list called angst-photo and move this discussion
there? Or maybe phota since photo is masculine. Maybe folks has been dipping
into the dichromate too much and getting a little irritable.

----------------------[Reply - Original Message]----------------------

Sent by:MaryAnn Tromans <>
MaryAnn Tromans wrote:
> B. Schlueter wrote:
> >
> > This list has finally become far too snooty. The mother land? Your
> > native tongue? Give me a break. What a ridiculious bunch of garbage to be
> > spouting in 1997. I live across the "pond" and speak English, but I am
> > assuredly not descended from the likes of you uppity brits.
> >
> >
> I second this comment. However, I have some English lineage, several
> relatives and friends living in and outside of London and I venture to
> say that what we have seen posted here by certain male members are the
> dying embers of a very destructive mentality that pervaded Europe for
> centuries. Where are all the English lasses posting to this list? Is
> it that the male dominated field of photography has so threatened the
> gals that they are mute? Quite a tribute, guys.
