My Family Tree

Judy Seigel (
Tue, 03 Jun 1997 01:44:25 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 3 Jun 1997, MaryAnn Tromans wrote:

> MaryAnn Tromans wrote:
> > > This list has finally become far too snooty. The mother land? Your
> > > native tongue? Give me a break. What a ridiculious bunch of garbage to be
> > > spouting in 1997. I live across the "pond" and speak English, but I am most
> > > assuredly not descended from the likes of you uppity brits.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > I second this comment. However, I have some English lineage, several
> > relatives and friends living in and outside of London and I venture to
> > say that what we have seen posted here by certain male members are the
> > dying embers of a very destructive mentality that pervaded Europe for
> > centuries. Where are all the English lasses posting to this list? Is
> > it that the male dominated field of photography has so threatened the
> > gals that they are mute? Quite a tribute, guys.

Very well put on both accounts. However, the flack we're getting, what
I'll call resistance to/resentment of, not all women, but assertive women,
is the sin that dare not speak its name these days. Like it's totally
socially unacceptable, in fact a fella doesn't even want to admit it to
himself. The attitude is hardly unique to alt-photo (tho it does seem out
of control on this list), but the fella has to hide it somehow -- here
behind a figleaf of anti-americanism.

So don't let it put you off. The Brits actually love us.

And I, too, by the way, am of English stock -- I come from a long line of
Stuarts and McSmiths. In fact family legend has it that one ancestor was
good friends with Lady Guinevere, very GOOD friends, if you get my
meaning. Sadly, mummy had to sell the family coat of arms to buy her way
out of... oh well, that's another story, but rest assured at one time my
family ran the whole North Country and parts of Wales. (Hay on Wye was
originally Hay on Rye.) And that's why I feel so confident about my
command of the mother tongue... Anyway, just remember: illigitimati non
carborundum. (That's from our family coat of arms -- a non-silver mullet
on a field of glair.) It's olde Englishe for Don't Let the Bastards Get
you Down.

