Re:Style and Dennis
Alexis (
Tue, 03 Jun 1997 00:11:01 -0700
I, a silver printer by trade, subscribed to this list to learn about, among
other things, pigment prints, which i have recieved an awful lot of info.
but i have also learned that PCism is still alive and rearing its ugly head
in america and beyond, that people in this so called "global community" try
and impose their view of whats the correct way to speak for everyone else
in the world (now americans are the PC police, as if the job of
"peacekeepers of the world" wasn't enough) and what once was correct isn't
and if you don't "speak" the way i do, you are a sexist/racist/ or some
other "ist", that, no matter where you are or what your native tounge is,
you must "subscribe" to MY way of speech, if you disagree with a woman who
happens to have a strong opinion, you are intimidated or worse, have a fear
of "loosing control over" a woman who isn't yours to control in the first
maybe using "y'all" to refer to everyone would fix this, however, i'm sure
someone will object that i am being "insensitive" to southerners, or
perverting not only americaish (the american version of english) but
english as well. and lets not forget the french speakers who have no
translation for such a word. but then again, what can you expect from a
language that used "ils" when 1,000,000,000 women are in a crowded room
with 1 man (homosexual or hetrosexual) and "elles" when he leaves.
(opps...'he' might prefer to be addressed an 'her' or 'girlfriend', take
your pick)
the bottom line is this...with a couple of billion people in the world,
you're never going to please everyone any of the time. so, and i am being
as blunt as possible, deal with it, what ever it may be, or lead yourself
to an early and depressing grave.