Re: Style and Dennis

Dwight Shackelford (
Tue, 03 Jun 1997 05:27:41 -0700

Alexis wrote:
> I, a silver printer by trade, subscribed to this list to learn about, among
> other things, pigment prints, which i have recieved an awful lot of info.
> but i have also learned that PCism is still alive and rearing its ugly head
> in america and beyond, that people in this so called "global community" try
> and impose their view of whats the correct way to speak for everyone else
> in the world (now americans are the PC police, as if the job of
> "peacekeepers of the world" wasn't enough) and what once was correct isn't
> and if you don't "speak" the way i do, you are a sexist/racist/ or some
> other "ist", that, no matter where you are or what your native tounge is,
> you must "subscribe" to MY way of speech, if you disagree with a woman who
> happens to have a strong opinion, you are intimidated or worse, have a fear
> of "loosing control over" a woman who isn't yours to control in the first
> place.
> maybe using "y'all" to refer to everyone would fix this, however, i'm sure
> someone will object that i am being "insensitive" to southerners, or
> perverting not only americaish (the american version of english) but
> english as well. and lets not forget the french speakers who have no
> translation for such a word. but then again, what can you expect from a
> language that used "ils" when 1,000,000,000 women are in a crowded room
> with 1 man (homosexual or hetrosexual) and "elles" when he leaves.
> (opps...'he' might prefer to be addressed an 'her' or 'girlfriend', take
> your pick)
> the bottom line is this...with a couple of billion people in the world,
> you're never going to please everyone any of the time. so, and i am being
> as blunt as possible, deal with it, what ever it may be, or lead yourself
> to an early and depressing grave.
> alexis

Thank you, Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Prejudice in the name of fighting prejudice is still just that.

\     Dwight Shackelford  *=====*=====*=====*=====*=====*=====*=====*
=8{:)  e-mule from Jack Ass-cii *=====*=====*=====*=====*=====*=====*
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