Re: New Epson printer

Judy Seigel (
Mon, 09 Jun 1997 16:58:16 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Luis Nadeau wrote:
> >. . . you or someone mentioned panchromatic film for speed with paper
> >positive: The difference in exposure time isn't that great. I contact
> >through doubleweight fiber base paper onto lith film with times about 20
> >seconds at f 5.6 or f 4. If continuous tone isn't at issue (the positive
> Panchromatic films tend to be a lot faster.

In my experience, lith film is at least as fast, but I can in any event
wait 20 seconds for an exposure, being one of the last of the slow but
sure old-world craftspersons.

> >will be in dots) -- unless you've trying to copy color -- I'd say lith
> >film would be a better bet: It copies dots very well, comes in all sizes
> >and cheap.
> Make sure you get panchromatic lith film. The dots are extremely fine so by
> the time you get the exposure through the paper fibers you may not have a
> usable screen... There is room for trial and error here.

I can see that if one has a color paper positive, panchromatic film would
be in order. However, very little panchromatic lith film seems to be
available any more, and what there is (Photo Warehouse if memory serves)
is very expensive.
