Re: Photoceramics Was: RE: Luminosity

MEC00001 (
Sat, 14 Jun 1997 19:35:50 +0200

Luis Nadeau wrote:

> At 9:25 AM 97/06/09, joseph wrote:
> >I quite desagree with you in this matter, Luis. Here, in Spain,
> photoceramics
> You seem to be talking about Spain, while I talk about the world in
> general. Even then, a friend from Segovia was telling me last week
> that
> photoceramics on tombstones are nowhere as common today as they were
> 50 or
> 75 years ago.
> Anyone else from Spain who can confirm or deny this? Other countries?
> >(thanks God) is a healthy branch of phofotgrapy. Actually, three or
> four
> >companies are delivering service for this demand. Apart from them,
> there
> >are
> There used to be 14 in France. Now they are down to one and most of
> their
> production is *not* for tombstone pictures.
> >several good photoceramists (let say like me) that have plenty of
> >tombstone work during the year. Even I prefer to offer cuatrichromies
> to
> >my clients, since
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> "quadrichromies" in French and "4-color" in English
> > I use the digital separations and Photoshop, instead of the
> monochromes
> >illumitated (coloured). I never hear about photoceramics stolen in
> the
> >cemetieries here in Spain, but never knows... The cuatrichromies in
> >photoceramicas opens a new and quite wide field of development for
> this
> >beautifull application of photography. I use the carbon process
> (altered)
> >to transport the four images in register, opperation that is now
> easier by
> >using the photomecanic (dots) sepatations filmed from photoshop. (I
> >applogize for my
> I think you are talking about registration marks here
> You transfer and bake one color at a time or all four at once?
> >english). I have no problem using the sun UV with the tissues here in
> >Madrid o Andalucia (where I use to work half of the year). Some times
> I
> >need to expos only for 8-12 minutes. The bases used currently in
> >photoceramics (enamels) are
> I'm amazed to hear that anyone can attempt to use a 4-color carbon
> process
> using the sun as a UV source. When I was making them commercially on
> paper,
> even 5% exposure variation on the darn cyan made a lot of difference.
> I'll
> have to see some of your work to be convinced that this really works.
> Luis Nadeau
> Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Dear Sir ,
I have a very good photoceramist friend.
His address is:
Octavio Belló
Photoceramics on tombstones and jewelry.Since 1960
Ledua G-6 (Ctra. Estación)
03660-Novelda (Alicante) Spain
Tel & Fax 34+6+5602872

Manuel Estébanez
Novelda (Alicante).Spain