APIS at Bath

Art Chakalis (achakali@freenet.columbus.oh.us)
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 07:22:57 -0400 (EDT)

I just got back in late last night and was surprised to see such little
discussion about the symposium. I thought that the symposium went very
well and many of us walked away with a lot of information and memories of
a great meeting.

I personally would like to thank Terry King and the staff at the RPS. I
learned a lot and enjoyed the presentations. I liked being able to meet
many of the people that I have been corresponding with for so long, it's
nice to have a face and personality at the other end of this computer.
The unexpected heat and limited room size were handled as well as anyone
could have under the circumstances.

Again, I think Terry King and the RPS staff deserve a well earned round of

Sincerely, Art

Art Chakalis
Columbus, Ohio, USA