My Dumb Gum Question

Mon, 23 Jun 1997 11:58:29 -0400 (EDT)

Sil,Tom,Judy,Terry, et al

Many thanks for your thoughts. You have all come up with a number of very good
suggestions. There is a light meter in the physics dept. which extends into the
UV, so the first thing I want to try is to measure the light intensity of each
bank of bulbs. I will also measure the AC potential. However, one of Judy's
comments got me thinking. She asked if my exposure times for other processes
are reasonable. The answer, Judy, is "yes." I do remember when we discussed my
gum exposure times a few months ago. They have always been long. I have always
attributed that to the fact that I have used a heavy hand with the black
pigment, but now I too am begining to suspect the ammonium dichromate. Again,
thanks to all. I will report my finding to the list. Is it just me or does
anyone else think that gum printing has more variables than any other alt

Bob Schramm