Re: Judy

Peter Marshall (
Tue, 1 Jul 97 18:05 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <>

<< Peter implys that Judy's input is easily replaced. I don't think so. >>

I assured Bob in a private message that this was not the case, but he still
chooses to post this to the list.

My message in no way implied that Judy would be easily replaced.
Presumably this is why Bob hasn't quoted it. Can we please, please get away
from this paranoid reading subtexts into message that are not there.

I said:

>I'm sure all of us will be sorry if Judy goes. I hope she will re-consider,
>as we will all miss her.

>But there will still be plenty of us around if she does decide to go.

and was posted in response to a line from Bob: > IF JUDY LEAVES, SO WILL I!

The point I was making is I think clear. There was no implication or statement
that Judy would be easily replaced. She has over the years provided a great
deal of assistance and help to those on the list. and this has never been at
issue. However if she decides she can no longer take part then the list will
continue. It will miss her and her wide-ranging and deliberately controversial
(her sentiments expressed to me) comments, but the list will continue. I'm not
going to leave because Judy leaves. Judy herself commented to suggest that
others should not leave.

By all means mail Judy and ask her to stay - and encourage others to do the
same if they wish. But please do it off the list.

I will not continue this post in any way - lets get on with the business of
the list.

Peter Marshall

On Fixing Shadows and elsewhere:
Family Pictures, German Indications, London demonstrations &
The Buildings of London etc: