Re: Gum research

Art Chakalis (
Fri, 04 Jul 1997 02:31:57 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Robert Newcomb wrote:

> Wouldn't it be magic if a beautiful Gum print could be made with only one
> printing.
> I realize that multiple printings allow some special controls over areas
> within the image, but being able to do it in one printing w/o the bother of
> registration problems would also make my day, year...
> Robert Newcomb
> Watkinsville, GA.

I believe this was done about 100 years ago by Theodore Fresson . . .
unfortunately he and his decedents have kept it a trade secret.

I also think they look better than gum prints . . . much deeper shadow
tones and highlights that seem to glow. If done well they make a very
stiking image.

If you are interested, I can forward you some formulas that I believe are
on the heals of the Fresson secret.

Sincerely, Art

Art Chakalis
Columbus, Ohio, USA