The Gum Project II

Richard Sullivan (
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:50:25 -0600

Some more tinkering.

More observations.

Low gum to a high dichromate ratio makes the pigment stick to the paper and
not the gum. Therefore it appears that you need to use some form of
abrasion development. Intuitively I feel that you can make good prints with
a very low gum to dichromate ratio. It may be too fast in speed due to the
high dichromate content so tomorrow I am going to try diluting the
dichromate way down and see what happens.

I am now curious as to what Art meant by cohesive and adhesive, qualities
he mentioned in another message?

What would happen if instead of diluting the dichromate (actually the
emulsion itself) with a non-sticky or less sticky colloid, to give the
coating body. Perhaps one that does not harden in dichromate. Anyone got
any ideas on a non dichromate hardening stuff that is thick but would dry?

Dick Sullivan

Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857