Re: Echague and Carbondir

Art Chakalis (
Tue, 08 Jul 1997 00:01:45 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Luis Nadeau wrote:

> At 5:34 PM -0400 97/07/05, Sandy King wrote:
> ...
> >4) It is wonderful that so many are experimenting with different forms of
> >direct carbon printing. However, in my opinion no one is going to realize
> >any significant financial return from this experimentation unless it be via
> >the method of the Fresson family, i.e. offering a direct carbon printing
> >service to the public. I doubt seriously that there would be any
> >appreciable market for direct carbon papers. If anyone could do it, it is
> >Luis Nadeau. He already has the formulas (at least for monochrome papers)
> >and knows the coating operation. It would be only a small step for Luis to
> >manufacture commercial fresson-like papers, if a market existed. I would
> >(as would may others) love to experiemnt with some of his fresson-like
> >paper were he to make it avaiable.
> There would probably be a small market but the process is very labor
> intensive (read expensive) compared to say, platinum paper which requires
> only one coat brushed on and then it's ready to use in minutes. Monochrome
> Fresson requires several emulsions prepared in advance, coatings, cleaning,
> etc. It takes days. It's messy and no fun at all.

Now let me try this again. Luis, if you were still driving a French car
made in 1900 and I a 1997 French car (modern, extremely well engineered and
beautifully designed FRENCH car) you would have a tough time keeping up with
me on any road (unless you decide to take the train again). My point is
any other business in the world has modernized and made use of the
tremendous advances in mechanical and electrical design principles.
Somehow I think the manufacture of the paper could be automated.

Sincerely, Art

Art Chakalis
Columbus, Ohio, USA