Re: POP/Albumen Papers

John Rudiak (
Sat, 12 Jul 1997 09:25:19 -0600 (MDT)

On Mon, 21 Jul 1997, Dan Estabrook wrote:

> " As I understand correctly: paper for Albumen printing is
> not as critical as it can be in other processes since the albumen
> "lies"
> on top of the paper surface, as a thin layer, and it will "follow" the
> surface of the paper...
> Cor Breukel"
> Au contraire, there, Cor. I remember a great quote from my initial
> research on albumen ( I love the wording): "Paper is better
> albumenized than thick"
> Thicker papers can absorb a lot of albumen and will be dull (though
> still printable). A thin, plate-finish paper is best for glossy prints
> (and therefore more contrast).
> Dan Estabrook
I don't think that thicker papers are necessarily worse, they are just
different, but are just as likely to result in a successful print as a
thin, hard surfaced paper. They do print a little more matte, but the
contrast is the same, it just appears flatter. There were, of coarse,
printers who desired the more matte look and would take extra means to
achieve it. The albumen coating does tend to follow the hills and vellaey
of the thicker paper resulting in a different looking print surface.
