Some time ago I inquired the same, since than I have used it for making a
few cyanotypes. It worked allright (Gary Aueubacher;, has used it for Pt/Pd printing) The
trick is to heavily over-exposure, even to the degree that your pos. is
white! I exposed at IE of 12 ASA (it's rated at 50 ASA I thought), but my
Polaroids were a bit out-dated... (from '91..;-)..still worked though,
although the positive didn't become extremly overexposed, maybe due to
it's age). I understood that prolonged developping is not possible, the
"fixing" takes place "automaticly"..
> Has anyone used this film to make negs for alternative processes recently?
> I've heard that you should overexpose it by a stop or so for the neg - should
> you also increase the development time for alternative processes that
> require denser negs?
> Can the Polaroid prints be toned?
> I've just started using it for 5/4, and would be glad to hear any advice.
> - Chris Fox
Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"