
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 02:06:09 -0400 (EDT)

Peter writes, There are plenty of us around if she (Judy) decides to go."

Yes, true, there are a lot of list members. Maybe 500 or more, but how many
of them are contributors to the ongoing discussion. Most are lurkers.

Peter implys that Judy's input is easily replaced. I don't think so.

Anyone who has been on this list for a while should know that Judy has
made a major contribution to the knowledge and information concerning
alt-process printing. She is obviously an expert when it comes to gum
printing. Her knowledge is derived from experience which makes it especially

We are a very small group of people worldwide with a common interest. You
would think we would all be able to get along. I really don't understand
why some members of this list feel that it is necessary or appropriate to
introduce comments which have nothing to do with alternate process printing.

I will have to say that the discovery of this list,the information I
have obtained from iand the people I have met as a result is the best
thing that has happened to me in a long time. We have here an international
convention of experts in the field of alternate process printing. This
could only have been possible as a result of the internet. Folks, realize
that this is a wonderful and extremely valuable resource which is not
available anywhere else. Lets not destroy it by petty bickering.

It is a sad thing if Judy or any contributor to the list leaves. It
is a loss to us all.

Join me in encouraging Judy to stay.

Bob Schramm