Re[2]: Printing Out Paper?

Chris Fox (
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 10:35:22 +0100

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Subject: Re:Printing Out Paper?
01-07-97 11:38 PM

I've been interested in using printing out paper for some time but I don't
know if it's still available. Can anyone out there give me some info on
the process? Thanks in advance.

Alyson Belcher

I've just been using POP, and I really liked the results
The paper was by Bergger, a French company, which I bought from Silverprint in
The details of the process I used were as follows:
First of all I exposed the paper under a UV lamp for 5 minutes. I then put it
in water for 5 minutes in the darkroom and fixed it in 10% hypo for another 5
minutes. I then washed it, then toned it in gold toner, then washed it again.
I used a neg that I'd used for salt printing. When I took the print out from
under the lamp after a 5 minute exposure it looked quite close to the final
print - I was worried at the time because I thought that the print would bleach
back in the hypo and that I really needed a longer exposure, but by leaving the
print for a really long time in the gold toner the tones back really well.
The colours on the POP change a lot - when you take it out from under the lamp
it's a kind of dark reddy colour, then after the hypo it's a pretty revolting
orange. With the gold toner the print goes a beautiful reddy pink, and the
outside goes a kind of mahogany colour.
Hope this is some help

- Chris Fox