Alt-Photo-Process Archive by subject
Starting: Tue 01 Jul 1997 - 08:28:03
Ending: Thu 01 Jan 1998 - 12:07:23
Messages: 1713
- (no subject)
- ..Glass plate negatives..
- 1, 2, 3 testing...
- 1997 Pt/Pd Workshop Schedule
- 1998(!) Pt/Pd Workshop Schedule (repost, right year!)
- 20 in. film Photo Warehouse
- 3D wallpaper effetc
- :) xmas and faq
- A call for levity
- A call for reason
- A Market for Direct Carbon
- Abney
- About Judy and all that
- adress error
- Age of ferric oxalate in Pt/Pd printing
- Agfa Scala
- Agfa Scala help
- Albumen Printing
- Albumen toning
- Albumen toning -Reply
- Albumin Toning
- Alt Old Book in French
- Alt-photo process exhibit in Boston, MA, USA
- Alt-Proc in Chicago?
- Alt. photo in the Netherlands
- An ALT Question
- An alt question-some thoughts on
- An apology and a hope.
- Anthotype
- Anthotype and RAPP
- APIS & Mr McClean
- APIS - 98 show at RPS and 98 Lisbon
- APIS 1998
- APIS 98
- APIS article
- APIS article; Thanks
- APIS, Next time
- APIS: PHOTOTechniques
- apple
- Argon light ?
- Autochrome
- Autochrome procedure
- Autochromes
- bad taste
- Baryta paper: available?
- believe it or not
- bellowing bellows
- bellows
- bellows -Reply
- bellows patching magic
- bellows patching magic -Reply
- Bergger POP 240
- Birger Aune/gumoil
- Bleaching palladium prints
- Bleaching palladium prints (Actually Trademark Discussion)
- Bleaching palladium Process Photographers
- Blue Print Shop Enlarged Negatives?
- bovine albumen
- Bovine Albumen printing
- Bovine Albumen printing update..
- Bovine Albumen printing..
- Bovine Albumen printing.. (fwd)
- Bromaloid Process
- Bromoil
- Bromoil (Karl-Heinz Klang).
- Bromoil 101 - a how-to manual
- Bromoil at B&S
- Bromoil book back in print
- Bromoil brayers
- Bromoil coming in
- Bromoil Inking
- Bromoil Inking with Turkey Feathers
- Bromoil Paper
- Bromoil Papers
- Bromoil Printing
- Bromoil Website of English Workers
- Bromoils online
- Brush for pt/pd
- Brush for pt/pd--Shreiber schreiben
- bullshit
- bullshit ?
- Buy gum now!
- Buying bellows leather
- Carson Graves?
- Cathedral roofs -- formerly snot..
- chemistry help
- Chicago
- Circulating Portfolio #1
- Circulating prints?
- Clarification on where to find xerox transfer info
- Clearing of Iron Salts in Pt/Pd paper
- Clearing of Iron Salts in Pt/Pd paper (fwd)
- Clearing prints and asthma
- Clearing prints and asthma making chemicals
- Clearing Pt/Pd and Kallitype prints
- Code RED Alert
- Collodion Wetplate - Civ
- Collodion Wetplate - Civil War Photography
- Collotype
- combining inkjet printout & alt process
- Contact Paper Printing Process for Dummies
- Contact Printing Frame
- Contrast in alt photo
- Convert ALT-PHOTO to a moderated list!!!
- Convert to a moderated list not!
- Correction to Ware-Malde Ziatype
- Cost cutting & recycling stock images
- Crane paper
- Creative Sunprinting
- Cut sheet film holders
- Cyanotype
- cyanotypes
- daguerreotype silver plating
- Daguerreotypists in the UK
- darkroom design
- Darkroom User Magazine -- two thumbs up
- David Fokos (Beakman) platinum palladium prints
- David Fokos's a Nobel prize?
- David Fokos's digital negs, dot and grain
- David Fokos's digital negs, dot and grain (fwd)
- Dear Hearts
- Dear Hearts/Judy/Terry
- DENNIS KLINKER - Fresson Inquiry
- Developer suggestions for Tri-X?
- Developer suggestions for Tri-X? CORRECTION
- Diazo
- Dichromates
- Dichromates - Diazo Replacements
- digest
- digital negatives
- Digital negatives from Alps
- Digital negatives from Epson type ink jet printers.
- Digital negatives from Epson type inkjet printers.
- digital negs
- digital negs CA
- Direct Carbon Market
- Dye Transfer (fwd)
- Dye Transfer printing
- Echague and Carbondir
- Edmund Scientific
- Edward Weston Film/Video
- Engineering / Arts
- England
- Enlarged duplicate negative
- Enlarged duplicate negative & potatoes
- Enlarged Lith Negatives
- Enlarged negatives by computerized printing
- enlarged negatives for pd.
- Enlarged negatives from transpareny
- Enlarging slides on Lith film question
- enough
- Enough is already enough!
- enough is enough
- enough!
- Epson Sylus 800 or Sylus Photo.
- Error Message
- Error Message when posting to group
- Error message, attention list administrator
- Etching
- Etudes photographiques
- Evans and paper, etc.
- Exhibition in Belgium
- Experience in FX-1 Developer?
- exposure light
- Exposure unit
- Fabriano and phlegm..
- Fabriano and phlegm.. (fwd)
- Fabriano Uno update
- Failed mail to Gene Laughter
- Ferric chloride
- Ferric chloride -Reply
- Ferric Oxalate
- Filters for color separation
- fine grain Tri-X
- Fine-line Developer
- First POP Experience
- fixer for paper how shou
- fixer for paper how should I dilute?
- Fokos technical paper available
- Footstool Gallery
- Footstool Gallery Now!
- Fotempera images online
- foto-alternativa Mailing List
- Fotofest/ Houston
- FP-4
- Fresson
- Fresson and electron microscope scan
- Fresson Conjecture & Testing
- Fresson Paper Manufacture
- Fresson Prints
- Fressons prints
- Friendly Caution:
- Fwd: Mail failure
- Fwd: Making Autochromes
- Fwd: The family, near Paris - Reply
- Fwd: The family, near...
- GEH workshops
- Gene Laughter's Bromoil prints on the web
- Gene laughter's Bromoils II
- Glass Plate holder
- gloy and gum
- Glyoxal
- Glyoxal Percentage
- Golden Acrylic & Holbein Watercolor
- Greetings card
- Gum Print / Bockingford Paper
- Gum Printing Coating and Developing
- Gum problems parallel case and possible answer.
- Gum research
- Gum Solution decision
- Gum solution problems
- Gum/sudan
- Gumoil - paper and oil
- Gumoil paper
- Hand Made Paper & Repling to list (long)
- Happy Christmas and a Successful 1998
- Help
- Help with e-mail address
- Help!
- Help! (Selenium Toner)
- Help! -Reply
- Help! On how to mix chemicals and toners.
- Help, please
- help...deleted post
- Highlights or Shadows in Negatives?
- hold on the pinhole
- How to precipitate ferric oxalate?
- how to unsubscribe
- How's about?
- Hydrofluoric acid
- Hypo Clear
- Ilford PQ Universal in the US
- Indian Yellow (was Snotography)
- Info
- Info. from 1923- Continued....
- informations (fwd)
- infra red
- Infrared Development
- Infrared Films
- Ink-Jet Stability
- Inkodye (fwd)
- Inkodye (fwd) -Reply
- Inkodyes
- Instructions for unsubscribe
- International Photo Alternative 4th Exhibition
- Introduction
- IR Resource
- IRIS BIS ( not more stable than Anubis...)
- IRIS inks
- Is IR Alt?
- John Barnier's Pics on Web!!!!!
- Judy
- Just born
- just testing
- KALLITYPE process
- King : C drive failure
- Kodak B&W film
- kodak board
- Kodak Boards
- Kodak Boards - Fine Art Photography and Alternative Processes
- Kodak Boards Maze is Broken!
- Kodak Direct Duplicating Film
- Kodak HIE size 8x10"
- Kodak High Speed IR (HIE) on 8x10"
- Kodak High Speed IR film
- kodak photographic step tablet no.2
- KOdak Tri-X processing
- LA Area Alternative Process Class
- language,bellows , Birmingham & Kent Wade
- Large Inkjet Film Sources
- Les McClean
- life's too short
- light boxes
- Lightfast Inkjet Ink (was bullshit)
- lights for alt processes
- List personalities in full color!
- List problems
- Lith film for enlarged negatives
- Lith film or not??
- london
- London Galleries
- London prices
- Lost mail and Old Lantern Slides
- lowering my expectations
- Luminos Charcoal R
- Mail failure
- Mail Problem? List Quiet?
- mail reader
- Mailing List for Printmakers?
- Making Autochromes
- Mamiya
- Martin Axon updte on Platine
- Merry Christmas to Alt. Proc. Lits Member
- Message from Internet
- minifaq
- Monthly reminder
- Mordant type process
- more info
- Mounting of FB-prints onto Plexiglass
- My apologies for broken links on my Civil War Photo web page
- my last words
- My messages
- Nasalfluidography
- Negative help, please
- new alt-proc. webite online
- new book
- New bromoil materials?
- New Canon BJC-7000 7-color photo printer
- new platinum page online
- New PSA Web Site
- New Pt/Pd by B&S?
- New Rapp Sheets
- new stuff
- New subscriber
- New web site with old books and instruction books
- New with POP
- News Bulletin
- Newsflash - Pt Printing Workshop added!
- Nit picking, gelatine and dark yellow.
- No.Not Fresson !
- Oil Problems
- Oil Problems & Comprehensive Workshops.
- Oil Problems too
- Old Lantern Slides
- old studios
- One more...
- Oops, I meant 1998!!
- Oops, that's Nadalin
- Other Direct Carbon processes
- Other Lists
- out
- output of digital negs.
- p/p printmaking Use of "B" solution
- paper
- paper choices
- Paper Negatives
- Paper Negatives - A Butter Way
- Paper Negatives)
- Paper Question
- Paper Question...
- Paper sources in Canada
- Paper storage
- Paper supplies in NYC
- Paris alt photo exhibition
- Paul Nadlin Prints
- Permanent color processes
- Permanent color processes :Workshops
- Petes Alternative print workshop
- photo processing on metal
- photo processing on stone
- Photobooks
- photocopier toner and ceramic imaging
- photocopier toner- what is it?
- photocopy on clay
- Photogardening.
- Photogravure
- PhotoTechniques:APIS
- Pigments and Color Index Names
- Pin-holiness
- Pinhole 9x12cm quest
- Pinhole 9x12cm quest)
- pinhole camera designs
- pinhole diameter
- Pinhole Esoterica
- Pinholes
- Platine
- Platine & Tween
- Platine -- Bad batches
- Platine -- Bad batches (
- Platine -- Bad batches (fwd)
- Platinotype
- Platinotype paper history
- Platinum printing questions
- Platinum Printing Workshop
- platinum/gold toning
- Platinum/palladium
- platinum/palladium, use of "B" Solution
- POP Paper
- POP Paper/Albumen paper
- POP Question
- POP/Albumen Papers
- Portfolio circulation proposal
- Possible Gallery Shows in LA
- powder box
- Print question
- Printing frames
- Printing Out Paper?
- Problems in PMDF Mailserv V5.1 command processing (fwd)
- PSA Journal Archives - Bromoil Article of March 1964
- Pt/Pd and Type 55
- Pt/Pd Printing, B solution
- Pt/Pd test of new Fabriano Uno paper
- Pt/Pd Workshop
- Pyro
- Pyro and 35mm
- Pyro in 1800's
- Pyro info from 1923
- Pyro: What period was it used?
- Question on lantern slide projector
- Questions about UV tubes
- Questions and such...
- Radioactive materials
- Radioactive materials and licenses.
- Radioactivity
- Rapp and website
- Rapp Database - Go for it!
- Rapp Host site momentarily down
- RAPP Progress -- the Who's Who of Alt-photo
- Rapp Sheets are up
- Rapp Update
- RAPP w/o Web access?
- Re : Hypo clear
- Re : prints
- re : R. Sullivan's 30 Jun post
- Re : Rodinal
- Re : wacky CA'ians
- Re : Whole Egg Process
- Re Scanners
- Re Scanners (LONG)!!!!!!!
- Re Wax negatives
- RE: 24 mm lens
- RE: Anthotypes
- RE: bad taste
- RE: bad taste ;-) ;-)
- RE: bellows
- RE: bellows patching magic
- RE: Camera Bellows Help/Information
- RE: David Fokos (Beakman) platinum palladium prints
- RE: Developer suggestions for Tri-X?
- RE: digital negatives
- RE: digital negs
- RE: Dye Transfer printing
- RE: Enlarged Lith Negatives
- RE: Fresson prints
- RE: Glyoxal and replies to list
- RE: Lith film for enlarged negatives
- RE: Lith film or not??
- RE: New bromoil materials?
- RE: Paper supplies in NYC
- RE: Photocopier toner
- RE: Pinhole 9x12 quest
- RE: Portfolio circulation proposal
- RE: Rapp database
- RE: RAPP w/o Web access?
- RE: RAPP w/o Web access? -Reply
- RE: Tween
- RE: Use of brayers for bromoil inking
- RE: UV Exposure Unit
- RE: Vacuum easel
- Re[2]: Printing Out Paper?
- Resolution Test object
- resume
- Richard Barnes
- Rod Hook are you on the alt process list?
- RV: Scaning slides
- safer darkrooms.
- Safety
- Safety (was Tintypes)
- Salt Print
- Samsung E-mail Hoax
- San Diego show in Jan. 1997 - Barnes
- scala film for platinum/Palladium
- Scaning slides
- Search for 2 gum bichromate printers.
- Seasons Greetings
- selenium
- Selenium and colloidal silver
- Selenium toners
- selenium toning
- Selenium/VDB
- Self-promotion
- Sensitizer for Carbon Print
- Sepia toning
- Sepia-toned prints
- Service Bureaus for Digital Negs
- Sheila Metzner's "Color"
- Sheila Metzner's "Color" -Reply
- Sign-up page for the list
- Silver and nitric acid
- silver nitrate and safety
- Site of Some English Bromoil Workers
- sized paper?
- Sizing for gum
- Sizing paper
- Sizing Paper for Pt/Pd
- Snot, bad taste, etc.
- Snotography
- Snotty Gum
- Solution B (was Enlarged duplicate negative & potatoes)
- some self-promotion
- soot & chalk
- Sophisticated pinhead.
- Source of quote please
- Spammers (was Sign-up page for the list)
- Spin coating
- Spin-Coating for Platinum Prints
- Square bellows instructions
- Square bellows?
- Starting with Gum
- Steichen-Velasquez-Shaw
- Still Gum solution problems
- Strange Thing with Step Wedge
- Strange Thing with Step Wedge (Acetone)
- Strange Thing with Step Wedge and Mail System
- submission of work for book
- subscribe
- Supply of Gum from Hanns Eggen - Sarstedt
- SW Paper
- syd
- Terry and Judy Debate
- Test -- posting from unsubscribed address
- Thank you
- Thanks and Photo Hist List Info
- thanks for help.....deleted post
- Thanks!
- The brayers & the gurus.
- The family, near Paris
- The family, near Paris - Reply
- The family, near Paris -Reply
- The Gum Project
- The Gum Project . . .
- The Gum Project II
- The Gum Project III
- The Gum Project)
- The List Sindrome
- The List Sindrome II
- The problem
- The RAPP database
- Thiocarbimide (was sepia)
- Tintype
- tintypes
- Tmax/XTOL
- To all free photographers
- To Karen Molloy
- Toner and ceramics
- Toning Albumen
- Toning workshop
- Tri-X Developer Suggestions
- Turner's Which paper?
- Tween
- Tween (and it = Polysorbate)
- Twinrocker paper/inkjet
- Twinrocker/inkjet paper
- typon multicontrast film
- UK lens repairers
- Ultra-V 93 (BB / Bilirubin) Tubes?
- Ultrastable separations from Photoshop
- Ultrastable separations from Photoshop]
- Unknown developer for Pt/Pd
- unsub.
- Unsubscribe
- unsuscribe
- Unwanted mail
- uranium
- uranium print
- Uranium Prints
- Uranium Prints -Reply
- Uranium Prints and hazards
- Uranium Prints and hazards -Reply
- Use of brayers for bromoil inking
- Use of pyro in paper developer as a self-tanning agent for bromoil
- UV (BB / Bilirubin) Tubes?
- UV (BB/Bilirubin) Tubes?
- UV Exposure Unit
- UV light
- UV Light banks
- UV Light banks --correction
- UV light table
- UV source
- UV Sources -Tubes
- vacuum easel
- Vacuum Frame (was: UV loss)
- Van Dyke precip. A Cure
- Van Dyke Toning
- VanDyke Precipitate
- various books
- Washington Salon - Photographic Exhibition of 1896
- wax solvents
- waxing paper negatives
- waxing paper negatives -Reply
- Web Backbone down
- Welcome letter
- What can I say?
- What does a Sepia Toned print represent?
- What if?
- What kind of film do I have?
- What we're up against
- Where to get sizing supplies
- who is on the alt process list?
- Woodburytype
- workshops
- worldwide alt-photo
- Worldwide alt-photo takeover
- X-Ray and Colour?
- X-ray film
- X-rays and color
- xerox transfers
- your site
- Ziatype vs Ware-Malde
- ziatypie
Last message date: Thu 01 Jan 1998 - 12:07:23
Archived on: Sun Feb 22 1998 - 22:02:07
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.