Re: Bovine Albumen printing

Thompson, Harriet (
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 08:11:48 +0100

> Cor Breukel wrote:
>I started out with the idea of using purified BSA (Bovine Serum Albumen,
>98-99% pure), instead of eggs. So I calculated that your recipe asks
>roughly for 0.8 g Albumen per ml. I managed to get about 0.31 g BSA per ml
>(Very sticky stuff, and I foolishly poured the distilled water on the
>powder instead off the other way around, so that kept me quite busy..;-).)
Cor -
As you probably know only too well now, BSA (other powdered albumins, too)
takes some time to dissolve in water. For those who are yet to try this
chemical, may I suggest adding the BSA to the water (as you have
discovered) and then letting it sit untouched for a minimum of 30 minutes.
The BSA will slowly hydrate. Any mixing before this point will glom things
up. The partially hydrated BSA will stick to the sides of the container
preventing the easy contact between it and the water, and thus retarding
the hydration. The total time to complete solubility will be increased by
at least 2x.


p.s. A personal thanks to you for providing the opportunity for me to "add
to the list".

Harriet C.W. Thompson, M.S. Louisiana State Univ. Medical Center Microbiology/Immunology/Parasitology
New Orleans, LA