Evans and paper, etc.

Terry King (KINGNAPOLEONPHOTO@compuserve.com)
Sat, 19 Jul 1997 18:57:27 -0400

Message text written by Richard Sullivan
We carry Cranes Platinotype paper. Designed at Cranes in the early 80's by
Dick Arentz. So far as I can tell, in the 15 years we have been selling
this paper now at the current price of $ 0.50 per sheet, no one has been
mislead into thinking that it was pre!
-coated platinum paper. Several companies in the past had papers with the
same name, Arches for one.

That reminds me of a reference in the catalogue of a well known supplier
to the rougher version of their standard Platinotype paper. I telephoned
to ask whether I could buy some of the standard Platinotype paper. Nobody
had heard of it but someone thought that old Bill would know. Old Bill
remembered that his uncle had told him that it had not been in the cataloue
for sixty years.

But the point remains that people have very different ideas as to what a
platinum print should look like. The truth is, of course, that not only
that you can make it look like almost anything you want it to, but even
then different people will have markedly different perceptions of the same

Terry King