Strange Thing with Step Wedge
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 10:38:13 -0400 (EDT)
I tried to make an enlarged step wedge from my Stouffer step wedge so that I
can measure the density in the final print because the original is very
small. It was a 35mm steps, and I enlarged it to 4x5. I found that the steps
go darker and darker (as expected) and then start to turn lighter from step 6
to step 2. Then step 1 gets darkest (as expected).
Is there any explanation for this effect? I used ARISTA Graphic Arts film and
developed in Dektol 1:9 as suggested by some. If it is too diluted, I would
think it should flat off instead of going lighter. I don't think solarization
had happen, or had it. Is it just that the step tablet cannot be enlarged?
PS: Am I the only one who didn't get any mail from the list for the past 2