Re: Kodak B&W film

Sil Horwitz (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 12:58:18 -0400

At 07:22 AM 1997/07/29 -0400, Tina wrote:
>I was just at the Professional Photographers of America convention, Kodak
>was demonstrating their new black and white film that can be processed C-41.
> Has anyone tried this yet, if so what kind of results did you get? Did you
>like the film?

I am in the process of evaluating the T-400CN film and have several rolls
for experimentation. I will also include parallel exposure of TMY400 T-Max
film developed in XTOL (the recommended developer), to compare the quality
of the C-41 processed film with the standard BW film. Should have results
in a couple of weeks and will send you results if you're will to wait that
long. My evaluation is being prepared for publication in the PSA Journal.

Sil Horwitz, FPSA
Technical Editor, PSA Journal