> A while back I requested photographers send me their wish lists of
> things they want their customers to be aware of that would make a
> photographer's job easier. The material is for a newspaper article
> I
> am preparing for a local paper. There was a delay submitting this
> article, so before I send it in I wanted to check one more time to
> see
> if any of you had anything you would like to send along to me
> (dalrymple@truelink.net). I'm not getting paid for this--it is a
> local, community-oriented feature.
> Some suggestions that have been sent to me include:
> *Explaining the reason for a photographer's fee structure
> (professional photography involves more than point and shoots and
> one hour labs).
> *A brief explanation of a photographer's copyrights.
> *A brief explanation of usage fees.
> *Preparation (time) needed for a photographer to do their best work
> (planning, pre-shoot work, etc.)
> *Things a client should look for when hiring a photographer.
> *An explanation of artwork on a photograph and cost of such work
> (some
> clients think a photographer does retouch "in camera" and don't
> realize
> it is done later in the process of producing an image).
> This article is to educate the client and make our jobs easier and
> clients will benefit from understanding what goes on "behind the
> scenes" with professional photography. Any help would be
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Marilyn Dalrymple
> dalrymple@truelink.net
Subject: alphabet=confusion
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 06:48:48 -0700
From: rdalrymple <dalrymple@truelink.net>
If members of this list will e-mail me a list of commonly used initials
that stand for organizations or terms (I know there is a word for this,
but I can't think of it) I will make a list for those of us who can't
keep it all straight and post it.
Examples: PMA-Photo Marketing Association
TIB-The Image Bank
PPA-Professional Photographers of America
RC-Resin Coated
FB-Fiber Based. . .the list goes on and on.
Some examples I read just this morning that I don't know the meaning of,
but wish I did:
APCI. . .this list is even longer for me, so I'll quit here.
(There is always the possibility I am the only one who is confused. In
this case, I would appreciate this information for my own use.)
Thank you,
Marilyn Dalrymple