Re: Lith film for enlarged negatives
George L Smyth (
Wed, 06 Aug 1997 17:23:22 -0400
Wayde Allen wrote:
> Lith film has often been mentioned on this list for making enlarged
> negatives, and I just got a small box from Freestyle to try. I have a few
> questions though. First, since Freestyle sells repackaged bulk film,
> there were no datasheets that came with the box, and I'm wondering what
> safelight can be used? The catalog says simply to use a red safelight.
> Does this mean that the usual OC safelight filter should not be used?
> Additionally, I'm curious about the developer concentration. Dektol seems
> to be the most commonly suggested developer, but should it be used diluted
> as for paper 1:2 or as I have occasionally seen 1:10? I tend to use D-72
> mixed according to Maxim Muir's extended life, split stock formula, but
> assume that this should be essentially equivalent to Dektol.
I've developed this film via Dektol 1:15-20, though I've also gone
stronger for more contrast. The Van Dyke prints on my Web page were
done with this film.
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