Circulating Portfolio #1

Korfhage, Willard (
Wed, 06 Aug 1997 23:30:34 -0400

It looks like the procedures I outlined in my recent message are good
enough to try, so this is the official call for contributors and viewers
for circulating portfolio #1. The rules I previously emailed apply.

If you want to contribute, email me.
If you don't want to contribute but you would like to be on the
circulation list, email me.
You can make the email sorting a little easier by putting "contributor"
or "viewer" in your email subject line.

If you have already contacted me before about contributing or viewing, I
have your name and will reconfirm when I make up the final lists. No
need to send your name again.

I'll give the low-res web site a shot, too; Richard Sullivan has offered
space for it.

Finally, I will be out of town until the end of next week, so I won't be
responding to your mail until then.

Willard Korfhage
FarSight Financial Services, L.P.
201 Broadway, 4th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139