Beginning Platinum/Palladium Priting
January 31-February 1, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
May 30-31, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
August 29-30, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
Advanced Platinum/Palladium Printing
February 28-March 1, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
June 27-28, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
September 26-27, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
Special Projects in Platinum/Palladium
A series of five supervised open darkroom sessions offers graduates of any
Platinum/Palladium Printing workshop an opportunity to work over time to
explore more advanced techniques and develop a portfolio of work. Sessions
begin in March and continue through September. Contact William Laven
Photography for details.
Zone System
Saturday, January 3, 9-5pm, $95 (all materials included)
Saturday, April 25, 9-5pm, $95 (all materials included)
Saturday, July 25, 9-5pm, $95 (all materials included)
Offering Platinum/Palladium printing services and workshops and tutorials
in Pt/Pd printing and other areas of photography (Zone System, etc.)
1931 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107
415-647-9432 (voice) 415-647-9438 (fax)