Ziatype vs Ware-Malde

Richard Sullivan (richsul@roadrunner.com)
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 15:06:24 -0600

Recently some confusion has arisen over the functional and chemical
differences between Dr. Michael Ware's and Pradip Malde's platinum and
palladium printing system and the Ziatype palladium printing system. I have
placed the paper on our website at
Http://www.bostick-sullian.com/Ware-Malde.html which outlines the chemical,
functional, and image quality differences between the two processes.

It is five pages long and gets pretty arcane at time, diving into the
intricities of the Ziatype and Ware-Malde printing systems and some
technical photographic history thrown in besides. (Just the thing for the
kind of folks who hang on on this list.)

I am interested in receiving feedback on the paper and especially from
anyone on the list who has had experience printing in both the Ware-Malde
and Ziatype systems.


Dick Sullivan
Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857